Emergency Management & GIS / Rural Addressing
Stephen Keiser
Administrative Assistant/E-911 Rural Addresser
575-835-2029 x1205
The Emergency Management Office is responsible for planning the responses to small- and large-scale emergency situations to save lives, reduce injuries, and preserve property.
Emergencies and disasters, both natural and man-made, can affect every resident in Socorro County. Sometimes there are threats that we simply cannot control or prevent from happening, such as wildfires, hazardous-material spills, and riots.
The office of Emergency Management includes the following departments & groups:
Floodplain Manager
Communications Coordinator
Fire Marshal's Office
Firewise Program
GIS/Mapping Department & 911 Data Management
Animal Control/Ordinance Compliance
Community Emergency Response Team
Socorro County Citizen's Corp Council (SCCCC)
Emergency Management Operations & Plans
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Socorro County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) has facilities in the Emergency Operations Center, 198 Neel Ave. in Socorro.
Regular Nets:
State: First Sundays, 3939 LSB, 5 PM winter, 7 PM summer. If the first Sunday is a holiday, moved to second Sunday.
DEC (District Emergency Coordinator) Al Braun AC5BX — 575-835-3370 (w); 835-1061 (h)
EC (Emergency Coordinator) Jim Lommen KC7QY — 575-838-0091
County Liaison: Bear Albrecht W5VZB — 575-835-2029 ext 1204 (office), 505-573-9350 (mobile)
Community Emergency Response Team
Geographical: Socorro County
87823, 87801, 87011, 87602, 87828, 87825, 87028, 87062
(Polvadera, San Antonio, City of Socorro, Magdalena, Veguita, La Joya, Claunch)
Training Programs
Local CERT Programs offer training to the general public and/or to particular groups in the community. This CERT Program holds classes for the following groups:
General public / Open classes
Language(s) in which the program conducts CERT training: English
Supplemental Training
This program offers & requires supplemental training in addition to the CERT Basic Training Course.
The training conducted, recommended, and/or required for CERT members is:
IS-100.a Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS)
IS-200.a ICS for Single Resources
IS-700.a National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction
IS-800.b National Response Framework, An Introduction
Additional CBRNE awareness
Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Automatic External Defibrillation (AED)
Basic first aid
Open to all adults. Youth 12 to 17 may attend with parent or adult guardian. Oldest 87 at time of training, youngest 12. Supplemental training encouraged, but not required.
County of Socorro Fire and Emergency Management
1404 Enterprise Rd
Socorro, NM 87801
CERT Documents
Floodplain Management
Rural Addressing
Aerial photo of Black Mesa
GIS and Rural Addressing Forms
Hazard Mitigation Plan
Socorro County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan
In 2009, Socorro County, the City of Socorro, the Village of Magdalena, and New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology partnered together with State and Federal Emergency Management agencies to compile a comprehensive plan to reduce losses to property and injury to people in our community from the devastation caused by natural hazards.
Utilizing publications from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) called “How-To Guides,” the Mitigation Planning Group organized into a cohesive unit and tackled the task at hand.
They endeavored to identify all hazards; profile the hazard events; assess local vulnerabilities; estimate potential losses; assess capability of their organizations; and identify, analyze, and prioritize mitigation measures. The whole time they were gathering information by referencing the records, they also involved the public by gaining their knowledge of natural hazard events and their ideas on what could be done to alleviate their nefarious effects. A natural result of documenting all of this activity was the creation we now call the Socorro County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Each of the organizations involved in the Plan showed they were serious about decreasing these losses by formally adopting the Plan into their official ordinances.
Plan Update
The Socorro County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan seeks to identify the natural hazards that impact our community, identify actions to reduce losses from those hazards, and establishes a coordinated process to implement the plan. Plan partners are Socorro County, the City of Socorro, New Mexico Tech, the Village of Magdalena and Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District.
The Socorro County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, is a living document. It is more of a reflection of the concern of our communities’ elected representatives than it is merely words on paper. They saw - and were moved - by the damage; then they went about to diminish its painful effects.
Periodic updates are patently a requirement. Due to the fact that the parameters of the Plan Update are numerous and complex, the same steps must be taken to gather the current information as were used in the outset.
The Federal laws that govern Natural Hazard Mitigation Funding, The Stafford Act (as amended), and The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, require that Local Mitigation Plans be in place and updated every five years in order to receive Federal funding for hazard mitigation projects. The Mitigation Planning Group seeks the input and feedback of organizations and those living in Socorro County in order to properly update the Plan. This web page is one of the vehicles through which we can receive this valuable information from you. Please allow this Update to perform as it aspires by using this site to communicate with us.
The Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District has joined with the original four local partner organizations in their efforts to make natural disasters less severe.
Village of Magdalena
Hazard Mitigation Documents
Natural Hazards
Overview – Drought in Socorro County, New Mexico
Drought is a condition of climatic dryness that reduces soil moisture, water or snow levels below the minimum necessary for sustaining plant, animal, and economic systems. Drought conditions are usually not uniform over the entire state. Local and regional differences in weather, soil condition, geology, vegetation, and human influence need to be considered when assessing the impact of drought on any particular location.
Previous Occurrence – Drought
Identified as a concern by each jurisdiction, no previous drought data exists from those jurisdictions. According to the NCDC, no drought events have been recorded for the county between January 1, 1950 and August 31, 2010. Figures 18 and 19 identify the average amount of precipitation received in Socorro County and just how little precipitation the county receives.
Socorro County relies upon groundwater for potable water. Current diversion for agricultural uses is approximately 50,000 acre-feet per year. At current consumption rates, the aquifer will continue to yield good water for another 120 years. A severe prolonged drought would greatly impact the entire County’s ability to provide potable water from groundwater sources.
Identified in the NMDHSEM HMP (2007), the state has experienced droughts since prehistoric times with extended drought conditions evidently causing the collapse of many early civilizations. Periods of drought since 1950 have been documented during 1950-1957, 1963- 1964, 1976-1978, 1989, 1996, 1998-1999, 1999-2003, 2003-2006. In the last 100 years, New
Mexico has suffered from four devastating periods of drought; 1900-1910, 1931-1941, 1942- 1956, and 1974-1979. A short-term drought was identified that lasted from October 2005 to July 2006. Between 1995 and May 2007, there were three state declared disasters for effects related to drought, primarily for loss of domestic drinking water: May 1996, May 2000, and June 2002. The total cost for drought related events for this time period is $279,459. However, indirect costs are estimated to be between $50 to 100 Million.
Overview – Earthquake in Socorro County, New Mexico
Earthquakes result from sudden ground motion or trembling caused by a release of strain accumulated within or along the edge of the Earth’s crustal plates. Earthquakes occur most frequently in the boundaries between the great crustal plates that form the earth's outer shell. As these plates move, stress accumulates. Eventually, when faults along or near plate boundaries slip abruptly, an earthquake occurs. Although earthquakes in the United States have caused less economic loss annually than other hazards, they have the potential to cause great, sudden loss in proximity to the epicenter. Within one to two minutes, an earthquake can devastate a city through ground-shaking, surface-fault ruptures, and ground failures. Seismic hazards often trigger other devastating events, such as landslides, fires, and damage to dams and levees.
New Mexico is a moderately seismically active region, with earthquakes occurring in most parts of the state. The Socorro area has been the most active earthquake region of New Mexico during at least the past 150 years. During the past 45 years, approximately 50% of the seismic energy generated by earthquakes in New Mexico has been released in a region centered near Socorro, encompassing only about 2% of the state's total land area. This relatively high rate of earthquake activity in the Socorro region is due to an inflating sill of molten rock (magma) that is roughly 1300 square miles in area and sits approximately 12 miles beneath the surface of the fault-bounded Rio Grande rift.
Commercial and residential buildings, as well as critical care and first responder facilities can be toppled or severely damaged during an earthquake. Transportation routes can be damaged or destroyed. Utilities and infrastructure are also vulnerable to damage/destruction by earthquakes. Death and injuries that directly result from earthquakes are unlikely but they can occur indirectly when structures collapse. Casualties typically result from falling objects and debris, or from forces that damage or demolish buildings and other structures. Disruption of communications, electrical power supplies, and gas, sewer, and water lines should be expected in a large earthquake.
Earthquakes can trigger fires, dam failures, landslides, or releases of hazardous material, compounding their hazards.
Previous Occurrences – Earthquakes
Though not nearly as big or as numerous as in some other parts of the world, earthquakes have rattled New Mexico over the years. Figure 24 depicts the approximate epicenters for past earthquakes in New Mexico and surrounding areas between 1962 and 2005. Socorro County, specifically the City of Socorro inclusive of New Mexico Tech and the smaller unincorporated areas along the Rio Grande Valley are within the Rio Grande Rift. The Rio Grande Rift is a region of tectonic, volcanic, and seismic activity that extends from north-central Colorado southward to Chihuahua, Mexico. At this point in time, New Mexico inclusive of Socorro County has a short and an incomplete earthquake history established; however, Geologic evidence shows that large earthquakes have occurred in the Rio Grande rift. There are large numbers of active faults along the rift and the probability of a future large earthquake in the rift is likely high.
Socorro is the earthquake capital of New Mexico. A 5,000 km2 (1,931 mi2) area, less than 2% of New Mexico, surrounding the town has produced nearly 50% of the 30 natural earthquakes of magnitude 4.5 or greater in the state since 1869. Three of these shocks occurred during a very strong swarm from 2 July 1906 through early 1907 and were the strongest within the state from 1869 through 2008. Information on these shocks comes from newspaper accounts and notably from a published paper by the famous seismologist H. F. Reid. His paper on the 1906–07 swarm appears in the first issue of the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America and presents Rossi-Forel earthquake intensity observations out to distances of several hundred kilometers for the three strong earthquakes of the swarm.
The largest earthquakes of record in this region occurred during an ongoing earthquake swarm in 1906, and the magnitudes of the two largest events were approximately 5.8. For comparison, the largest felt and heard event from the most recent swarm in this region (August 2009) was M 2.6. This earthquake increased the property damage already sustained at Socorro from previous earthquakes. Four rebuilt chimneys were shaken off the Socorro County Courthouse, and two others were cracked severely. Plaster fell at the courthouse, and a cornice on the northwest corner of the two-story adobe Masonic Temple was thrown onto its first floor. Several bricks fell from the front gable on one house. Plaster was shaken from walls in Santa Fé, about 200 kilometers from the epicenter. Felt over most of New Mexico and in parts of Arizona and Texas. (Source: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/states/events/1906_11_15.php; Reid, 1911)
Earthquake swarms, defined as a series of earthquakes recurring for days in nearly the same location within minutes of each other, are very common in this region. Historical accounts of these swarms date back to the 1860s, and they have been recorded on local seismic instruments since the early 1960s (Figure 25, blue stars, Sanford et al., 2002). The majority of the earthquakes in these swarms are shallow (3-8 miles beneath the surface), and relatively small (M < 1.0). These small earthquakes are not damaging; however, based on historic seismicity and geologic evidence, there is a chance for a larger, possibly damaging event in the future (Wong, 2009). According to the US Geological Survey, there is an 18% chance of a large earthquake (M > 6.0) in the Socorro region in the next 100 years.
Twelve strong felt earthquakes with estimated magnitudes of 4.5 or greater occurred in the Socorro area from 1869 through 1961. Unlike the instrumental data from 1962 through 2004, nearly all of these strong shocks appear to have had epicenters near Socorro rather than north of San Acacia. Also the statistics for earthquakes with magnitudes of 4.5 or greater from 1869 to the present indicated the Socorro-area seismic activity before the 1930s was significantly higher primarily because of prolonged earthquake swam that commenced in July 1906 a few months following the San Francisco earthquake in April of that year. Earthquakes were felt as early as July 2, 1906 and continued almost on a daily basis well into 1907. Three shocks in the swarm had magnitudes of 5.5 to 5.9, strong enough to significantly damage some adobe and masonry structures. The most unusual characteristic noted of the swarm was the exceptionally large number of felt earthquakes over a six-month period. It is suspected that weak shocks probably related to the swarm continuing into 1909 (Sanford, A.R. 1998).
During the month August 2009, Seismicity within the Socorro region has been very active. A felt earthquake of magnitude (ML) 2.3 occurred on August 19, 2009 approximately 3 km NE of Socorro near Escondida. Small events continued to occur during this time with activity beginning near the Lemitar area on August 24, 2009. These events have been numerous and fairly shallow depth of 5.5-6 km. The largest event was ML=2.5 on August 29, 2009 at 18:31:01 MDT (August 30, 2009 at 01:31:01 UTC) and was felt by many residents of Lemitar and Socorro.
Preliminary locations on the largest 53 events (ML range of 0.5 to 2.5); however, over 400 smaller events have also occurred since August 19, 2009. The locations of 53 of the largest earthquakes are very similar, suggesting that this is an earthquake swarm. Earthquake swarms are usually caused in response to tectonic or hydrological pressure changes in the crust. Minor felt earthquakes in this region are not uncommon, and have been documented by Dr. Allan Sanford in the past (Figure 26, blue squares). However, this was a swarm with unusually frequent, large earthquakes (14 earthquakes with ML > 1.4). For a size comparison, felt reports were noted for 4 events with ML 1.9 and greater. Table 46 identifies the strongest earthquakes equal to or greater than 4.5 in Socorro County.
Earthquake activity was detected in northern Socorro County around the San Acacia, NM area. A series of minor earthquakes measuring between ML 2.1 and less occurred between March 22 and March 23, 1998. Following the first tremor were a series (total of 10) of smaller earthquakes all measuring less than ML 1.0.
Flood/Flash Floods
Overview – Flood/Flash Floods in Socorro County, New Mexico
Nationwide, hundreds of floods occur each year, making flooding one of the most common hazards in all 50 states and U.S. territories. Most injuries and deaths from flooding happen when people are swept away by flood currents, and most property damage results from inundation by sediment-filled water. The majority of flood events in the United States involve inundation of floodplains (Figure 6) associated with rivers and streams and shoreline inundation along lakes and coastlines.
This type of flooding typically results from large-scale weather systems generating prolonged rainfall from locally intense storms or snowmelt. For the purposes of this report, this type of flooding is referred to as ―riverine flooding‖ and is characterized by a gradual and predictable rise in a river or stream due to persistent precipitation. After the stream or river overflows its banks, the land nearby remains under water for an extended period of time. Although the State of New Mexico and Socorro County experience riverine flooding, flash flooding is a more common and a more damaging type of flooding.
Flash floods are aptly named: they occur suddenly after a brief but intense downpour; they move quickly and end abruptly. Although the duration of these events is usually brief, the damages can be quite severe. People are often surprised at how quickly a normally dry arroyo can become a raging torrent. Flash floods are the primary weather-related killer with around 140 deaths recorded in the United States each year. Flash floods are common and frequent in New Mexico, and as a result, New Mexico has the tenth highest flash flood fatality rate in the nation.
Flash floods also result as a secondary effect from other types of disasters, including large wildfires. Wildfires remove vegetative cover and alter soil characteristics, increasing the quantity and velocity of storm water runoff. In addition, drought conditions exacerbate flash flooding and erosion due to soils becoming hydrophobic and increasing velocity of storm water runoff. Floods can cause erosion along riverbanks and undermine buildings and bridges, tear out trees, wash out access roads, and cause of loss of life and injuries.
National Flood Insurance Program
In 1968, Congress created the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in response to the rising cost of taxpayer funded disaster relief for flood victims and the increasing amount of damage caused by floods. The Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA) manage the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and implement a variety of programs authorized by Congress to reduce losses that may result from natural disasters. FIMA is a component of the FEMA manages the NFIP, and oversees the floodplain management and mapping components of the Program.
Nearly 20,000 communities across the United States and its territories participate in the NFIP by adopting and enforcing floodplain management ordinances to reduce future flood damage. In exchange, the NFIP makes federally backed flood insurance available to homeowners, renters, and business owners in these communities.
The NFIP Community Rating System (CRS) was implemented in 1990 as a program to recognize and encourage community floodplain management activities that exceed minimum NFIP standards. The National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994 codified the CRS in the NFIP. Under the CRS, flood insurance premium rates are adjusted to reflect the reduced flood risk resulting from community activities that meet the three goals of the CRS: (1) reduce flood losses; (2) facilitate accurate insurance rating; and (3) promote the awareness of flood insurance.
Flood damage is reduced by nearly $1B a year through partnerships with NFIP and CRS communities, the insurance industry, and the lending industry. Buildings constructed in compliance with NFIP building standards also suffer approximately 80% less damage annually than those not built in compliance. Further, every $3 paid in flood insurance claims saves $1 in disaster assistance payments.
The NFIP is self-supporting for the average historical loss year, which means that operating expenses and flood insurance claims are not paid for by the taxpayer, but through premiums collected for flood insurance policies. The program has borrowing authority from the U.S. Treasury for times when losses were heavy; however, these loans are usually paid back with interest. To obtain secured financing to buy, build, or improve structures in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs), flood insurance must be purchased. Lending institutions that are federally regulated or federally insured must determine if the structure is located in a SFHA and must provide written notice requiring flood insurance. Flood insurance is available to any property owner located in a community participating in the NFIP. All areas are susceptible to flooding, although to varying degrees. In fact, 25% of all flood claims occur in low-to-moderate risk areas.
The most widely adopted design and regulatory standard for floods in the United States is the 1% annual chance flood and this is the standard formally adopted by FEMA. The 1% annual flood, also known as the base flood elevation, has a 1% chance of occurring in any particular year. It is also often referred to as the “100-year flood” since its probability of occurrence suggests it should only reoccur once every 100 years (although this is not the case in practice). Experiencing a 100-year flood does not mean a similar flood cannot happen for the next 99 years; rather it reflects the probability that over a long period of time, a flood of that magnitude should only occur in 1% of all years.
According to FEMA, Socorro County has been an active participant in the National Flood Insurance Program since August 2008. Since participating in the program, 212 NFIP policies were in force in Socorro County (to include Socorro City/Village of Magdalena) as of April 30, 2011, for a total flood insurance coverage of $38,582,500.00. A total of $18,369 has been paid out in Socorro County for flood damage since the establishment of the NFIP in 1978. At present, there are no identified repetitive-loss properties in Socorro County.
Extreme Heat
Overview – Extreme Heat in Socorro County, New Mexico
Socorro County experiences some form of extreme heat activity annually, based on seasonal meteorological patterns and local topographical conditions. All areas of Socorro County are susceptible to extreme heat conditions, although local topography, such as elevation and land contours, plays a significant part in how this extreme heat affects a particular area. For the purpose of this report, all areas of the County are considered equally vulnerable to extreme heat. The effects of extreme temperatures generally affect at risk sectors of the population: the elderly, the young, the sick/infirmed, those living below the poverty level and outdoor laborers.
Previous Occurrences – Extreme Heat
Socorro’s latitude and altitude combine to give it a pleasant year-round climate. Socorro is just far enough south to be spared many of the storms that often touch northern New Mexico. Its elevation of approximately 4,585 feet spares us the extreme heat. The altitude also provides four distinct but temperate seasons. Socorro summer high temperature averages are in the mid ’90s, with no more than 20 days when the temperature reaches over 100oF. Winter high temperature averages are in the mid ’50s, and winter nights seldom drop to 0oF. Socorro’s low average humidity, little cloud cover, and valley location encourage formation of significant atmospheric stable layers. Normally during the day, air temperature decreases with altitude, but after a clear, calm night, the air next to the ground becomes cooler than the air above.
During the summer months, individual daytime temperatures quite often exceed 100° F at elevations below 5,000 feet; but the average monthly maximum temperatures during July, the warmest month, range from slightly above 90° F at lower elevations to the upper 70’s at high elevations. Warmest days quite often occur in June before the thunderstorm season sets in; during July and August, afternoon convective storms tend to decrease solar insulation, lowering temperatures before they reach their potential daily high. A preponderance of clear skies and low relative humidities permit rapid cooling by radiation from the earth after sundown; consequently, nights are usually comfortable in summer. The average range between daily high and low temperatures is from 25° to 35° F.
According to the NCDC, no extreme heat events have been identified.
Hazard Profile – Extreme Heat Hazard Characteristics
Extreme heat is defined as temperatures that hover 10 degrees or more above the average high temperature for the region and last for several weeks. In an average year, extreme heat kills 175 people (FEMA Extreme Heat Backgrounder). Young children, the elderly, outdoor laborers, and sick people are the most likely to suffer the effects of extreme heat. The heat index measures the severity of hot weather by estimating the apparent temperature: how hot it feels (Table 44). Skin resistance to heat and moisture transfer is directly related to skin temperature, therefore the ambient temperature can be quantified by examining the relation between relative humidity versus skin temperature. If the relative humidity is higher/lower than the base value, the apparent temperature is higher/lower than the ambient temperature. In New Mexico at elevations below 5,000 feet, individual day-time temperatures often exceed 100°F during the summer months. However, during July, the warmest month, temperatures range from slightly above 90°F in the lower elevations to 70°F in the higher elevations (Western Region Climate Center, www.wrcc.dri.edu/narratives/NEWMEXICO.htm).
Extreme heat, or heat wave, is defined by the NWS as a temperature of 10° F or more above the average high temperature for the region, lasting for several weeks. This condition is definitely a public health concern. During extended periods of very high temperatures or high temperatures with high humidity, individuals can suffer a variety of ailments, including heatstroke, heat exhaustion, heat syncope, and heat cramps.
Heatstroke is a life threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. It exists when the body’s core temperature rises above 105° F as a result of environmental temperatures. Patients may be delirious, stuporous, or comatose. The death-to-care ratio in reported cases in the U.S. averages about 15%
Heat exhaustion is much less severe than heatstroke. The body temperature may be normal or slightly elevated. A person suffering from heat exhaustion may complain of dizziness, weakness, or fatigue. The primary cause of heat exhaustion is fluid and electrolyte imbalance. The normalization of fluids will typically alleviate the situation
Heat syncope is typically associated with exercise by people who are not acclimated to exercise. The symptom is a sudden loss of consciousness. Consciousness returns promptly when the person lies down. The cause is primarily associated with circulatory instability because of heat. The condition typically causes little or no harm to the individual
Heat cramps are typically a problem for individuals who exercise outdoors but are unaccustomed to heat. Similar to heat exhaustion, it is thought to be a result of a mild imbalance of fluids and electrolytes
The elderly, disabled, and debilitated are especially susceptible to heat stroke. Large and highly urbanized cities can create an island of heat that can raise the area’s temperature by 3 to 5° F. Therefore, urban communities with substantial populations of elderly, disabled, and debilitated people could face a significant medical emergency during an extended period of excessive heat.
New Mexico is partially an arid desert state, and summer temperatures often exceed the 100° F mark under normal conditions. Nighttime temperatures are typically cool due to low humidity, and even though daytime temperatures may be high, people experience relief at night. Heat waves in which daily high temperatures exceed 110o F for many days in a row are rare. Such a heat wave in the higher altitudes would probably have a more damaging effect because people would not be expecting such hot conditions. However, anywhere in the state that experienced the humidity/temperature combination could suffer ill effects from the event.
A heat wave would also have a drying effect on vegetation, facilitating the ignition of wildfires. If a heat wave were coupled with a power failure, the effect on the population would be much more severe due to a lack of air conditioning. In general, it is safe to say that there is no area of the state that is immune from the hazard of heat wave (Figure 22). Heat can affect roadways, runways, and some equipment, but it is generally a health risk, not a structural hazard. Periods of extreme heat can also place additional demands upon the electrical grid. Brown outs and black outs could dramatically increase vulnerability, particularly to those facilities associated with the housing and care of vulnerable populations.
The entire planning area is subject to extreme heat events. Research has concluded that no past history exists at this time. Future updates to the mitigation plan will include extreme heat events experienced in Socorro County and those jurisdictions identified in this HMP.
High Wind
Overview – Wind in Socorro County, New Mexico
Wind is defined as the motion of air relative to the earth’s surface, and the hazard of high wind is commonly associated with severe thunderstorm winds (exceeding 58 mph) as well as tornadoes, hurricanes, tropical storms and nor’easters. High winds can also occur in the absence of other definable hazard conditions, events often referred to as simply “windstorms.” High wind events might occur over large, widespread areas or in a very limited, localized area. They can occur suddenly without warning, at any time of the day or night.
Typically, high winds occur when large air masses of varying temperatures meet. Rapidly rising warm moist air serves as the “engine” for severe thunderstorms, tornadoes and other windstorm events. These storms can occur singularly, in lines or in clusters. They can move through an area very quickly or linger for several hours.
Previous Occurrences – High Winds
Socorro County experiences some form of high wind activity annually, based on seasonal meteorological patterns and local topographical conditions. The County is susceptible to high wind events. All areas of Socorro County are susceptible to high wind conditions, although local topography, such as elevation and land contours, plays a significant part in how high winds affect a specific area. For the purpose of this report, all areas of the County are considered equally vulnerable to high wind events.
The effects of high wind storms can topple manufactured homes, destroy buildings, lift cars, snap trees (which create roadblocks), topple power lines (can cause an electrocution hazard and cripple local infrastructure), and cause injury and death.
According to the NCDC, Socorro County has not experienced any high wind events but, however, NCDC does show four tornado events between 1950 and 2005 (Table 39). The only reported damage was for the first event in 1950 which caused $25K in property damage. Additionally the 1950 reported tornado was the only one listed as an F1 with moderate severity while the other three were listed as F0 minimal severity. Tornado was not identified by the MPG as a natural hazard concern. Based on minimal past occurrences and magnitude of the wind event, this could be considered other than a tornado. As future revisions of this plan occurs, should the county experience an increase of tornado events, the MPG will profile tornados and provide a more detailed data of past occurrences and vulnerabilities in the county.
December 2009 – As reported by the Mountain Mail, after a weekend of wintry weather, high winds were a cause of concern for many county residents, especially those traveling on Highway 60, which had to be shut down near Magdalena for over an hour. The closure was the result of diesel fuel leaking from the tank of a wrecked semi tractor trailer. According to the Magdalena Marshal, two semis were blown off the road; one at mile marker 126, and the other at mile marker 119. The semi at 119 leaked 240 gallons of diesel fuel causing the highway had to be closed until the hazmat operation had been completed. The truck driver from Boise, Idaho, said he was on his way to Tucson when he experienced the estimated 100 mph gusts on Highway 60. Higher winds were recorded at other stations in the county. Magdalena Ridge Observatory sustained wind speeds at the 10,600 foot facility averaged about 100 mph over a seven hour period with gusts up to 128 mph.
July 15, 2010 – As reported in the local newspaper the El Defensor Chieftain, a fierce storm that blew through Socorro Thursday evening (July 15), ripping the roof off an abandoned single- wide mobile home on Blue Canyon Road and slammed it onto the roof of another home, which sits just below that structure. Additionally, the Socorro Electric Cooperative was called out to a three-phase pole that was down near the Mounyo Ranch off U.S. 380. New Mexico Tech also reported outages due to the down power lines.
April 29, 2010 – As reported in the local newspaper the El Defensor Chieftain, strong winds tore away some roof paneling at the Veguita Trading Post which severed the wires to the store's satellite system and knocked out some of its electricity. Before finding a resting spot across N.M. 304, the paneling slammed into the back door of a delivery van that store owner moments earlier was helping to unload. The paneling smashed out a window in the van's door. It was reported that customers were battling sustained 40 mph winds.
January 22, 2010 – The Village of Magdalena experienced high winds during a winter storm (Figure 16). A local resident captured the damage to a local business. The roof was literally peeled off with the north end left attached. No estimated costs were available from this damage.
January 12, 2010 – As reported in the local newspaper the El Defensor Chieftain, sustained winds of 50 mph with higher gusts, swept through the area damaging roofs and knocking down fences. No injuries were reported.
July 30, 1997 – Categorized in the NCDC as thunderstorm wind and not high wind, the City of Socorro experienced a strong storm that caused a mobile home to overturn and land on a car and caused downed power lines in the area. No injuries or fatalities were recorded the wind storm (thunderstorm wind) caused $60K in property damage.
Local Emergency Planning Committee
Meetings of the Socorro County Local Emergency Planning Committee are held in the west wing of the Socorro County Annex Building, 1404 Enterprise Rd, at 10:00a.m. the third Thursday of every month.
About the LEPC
Local Emergency Planning Committees were mandated to exist by the 1986 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III, Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
SARA Title III establishes requirements for Federal, State and local governments, Indian Tribes, and industry, regarding emergency planning and “Community Right-to-Know” reporting on hazardous and toxic chemicals. The Community Right-to-Know provisions help increase the public’s knowledge and access to information on chemicals at individual facilities, their uses, and releases into the environment. States and communities, working with facilities, can use the information to improve chemical safety and to protect public health and the environment.
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) was enacted by Congress in 1980 to clean up the nation's hazardous waste sites and to provide for emergency response to releases of hazardous substances into the environment. CERCLA is also called Superfund, and the hazardous waste sites are known as Superfund sites. In response to continuing community concern regarding hazardous materials and chemical release tragedies, a reauthorization and expansion of Superfund was signed into law in 1986. It is known as the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA); Title III of SARA (“SARA Title III”) is the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA).
While LEPCs are all specifically charged with dealing with hazardous materials, many if not most have chosen an “all hazard” approach. We have done so in Socorro County.
The Socorro County LEPC came into being in 2003, at first largely driven by the Socorro Amateur Radio Association. Since that time members have come from a wide variety of agencies and organizations, and we have developed an Emergency Operations Plan. We invite your participation in keeping the Plan current.
AAG Association of American Geographers
ACEC Area of Critical Environmental Concern
ACMI Assistant Chief Medical Investigator
ACP Access Control Point
AD anno Domini, average daily traffic
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
AFB Air Force Base
AG Attorney General
ALERT Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time
ANS Alert and Notification System
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APA American Planning Association
APAS Animal Protective Association of Socorro
APD Application for a Permit to Drill
ARC American Red Cross
ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
B Barrel
BC before Christ
bcf billion cubic feet
BHSD Behavioral Health Services Division (DOH)
BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs
BLM Bureau of Land Management (US)
BMP best management practice
BOP blowout preventer
BOR Bureau of Reclamation
BTW by the way
C Celsius
CAA Clean Air Act (see also FCAA)
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAP Civil Air Patrol
CAT Crisis Action Team
CB Citizens Band
CBDG Community Development Block Grant
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Community Development Corporation
CDL Commercial Driver's License
CEO Chief Executive Official
CEP Civil Emergency Preparedness
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
CF/S Cubic Feet per Second
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CHEMTREC Chemical Manufacturers Association Chemical Transportation Emergency Center
CID Construction Industries Division
CIP Capital Improvements Plan (or Program)
CISM Critical Incident Stress Management
CMI Chief Medical Investigator
CO carbon monoxide, Certificate of Occupancy
CO2 carbon dioxide
COA conditions of approval
CODMI Central Office Deputy Medical Investigator
COG Council of Governments
CPG Civil Preparedness Guide
CRDD Community Residences for the Developmentally Disabled
CRMP Cultural Resource Management Plan
CSEPP Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program
CSU controlled surface use
CUA common use area
CWA Clean Water Act
CYFD Children, Youth & Families Department
DAC Disaster Assistance Center
DAP Disaster Assistance Program
dB decibels
dBA A-weighted sound level
DFA Department of Finance & Administration
DFO Disaster Field Office
DMAT Disaster Medical Assistance Team
DMI Deputy Medical Investigator
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
DOH Department of Health
DOI US Department of the Interior
DOT Department of Transportation
DPS Department of Public Safety
DRC Disaster Recovery Center
DSR Damage Survey Report
DST drill stem test
DU Dwelling Unit
DUA Disaster Unemployment Assistance
DWI Disaster Welfare Information
EAS Emergency Alert System
ECL Emergency Classification Level
ED Environmental Department
EDA Economic Development Administration
EDD Economic Development Division
EHS Extremely Hazardous Substance
EIDL Economic Injury Disaster Loan
EIR Environmental Impact Report
EIS environmental impact statement, Environmental Impact Statement
EMC Emergency Management Center
EMF Electromagnetic Field
EMI Emergency Management Institute
EMNRD Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources Dept.
EMP ElectroMagnetic Pulse
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EMSB Emergency Medical Service Bureau
EMT Emergency Medical Technician
EO Executive Order
EOC Emergency Operations Center
EOCR Emergency Operations Center Representative
EOP Emergency Operations Plan
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
EPG Emergency Planning Guide
EPI Emergency Public Information
EPI Office of Epidemiology (DOH)
EPLO Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer
EPZ Emergency Planning Zone
ERO Emergency Response Officer
ERT Emergency Response Team
ERT-A Emergency Response Team ñ Advance Element
ERT-N Emergency Response Team - National
ERTL Emergency Response Team Leader (DOH)
ESF Emergency Support Function
EST Emergency Support Team
F Fahrenheit
FA Forensic Anthropologist
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAsT Field Assessment Team
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCAA Federal Clean Air Act
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCO Federal Coordinating Officer
FDMI Field Deputy Medical Investigator
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FESOP Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit
FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee
FHA Federal Housing Administration
FHBM Flood Hazard Boundary Map
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FIA Federal Insurance Administration, Fiscal Impact Analysis (also Federal Insurance Administration)
FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map
FIS Flood Insurance Study
FLPMA Federal Land Policy and Management Act
FM Facility Mapping
FMHA Farmers Home Administration
FMO Fire Management Officer
FNARS FEMA National Radio System
FNMA Federal National Mortgage Administration (or Fannie Mae)
FO Forensic Odontologist
FOI Freedom of Information
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FP Forensic Pathologist
FPEIS Final Programmatic Environmental Inpact Statement
FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan
FRP Federal Response Plan
ft /day square feet per day
FTA Federal Transit Administration
FWSU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
GAR Governor‚s Authorized Representative
GCO Grant Coordinating Officer
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GPS Global Positioning System
GSD General Services Department
HS hydrogen sulfide
HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant
HAZMAT Hazardous Material
HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Release
HMER Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan
HMP Habitat Management Plan
hp horsepower
HSD Human Services Department
HUD US Department of Housing and Urban Development
I-25 Interstate 25
IAWI In Accordance With
IC Incident Commander
ICP Incident Commander Post
ICS Incident Command System
IDA Industrial Development Authority
IFG Individual Family Grant
IHICS Integrated Habitat Inventory and Classification System
IMHO In My Humble Opinon
IMO In My Opinion
IP Injury Prevention
IPEMS Injury Prevention & Emergency Med. Serv. Bur.
IRZ Immediate Response Zone
ISD Information Systems Division (New Mexico Tech)
ISO Information Systems Officer
JIC Joint Information Center
JIMC Joint Information Media Center
JIS Joint Information System
JNACC Joint Nuclear Accident Coordinating Center
KAFB Kirtland Air Force Base
KGRA known geothermal resource area
L Liter
LADD Lifetime Average Daily Dose or Lowest Acceptable Daily Dose
LAER Lowest Achievable Emission Rate
LAN Local Area Network
LANL Los Alamos National Lab
lb pound
lb/hr pounds per hour
LD Lethal Dose
LD Light Duty
LD50 Median Lethal Dose (i.e., dosage of a toxic substance which kills 50% of the test animals)
LDD Light Duty Diesel
Ldn Day-night noise level
LDPE Low Density Polyethylene
LDT Lowest Dose Tested
LEA Local Enforcement Agency
LEL Lowest Effect Level
LEOP Local Emergency Operations Plan
LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee
LEPD Legal Enforcement Policy Division
Leq equivalent sound level
Leq(h) one-hour equivalent sound level
LERC Local Emergency Response Committee
LGH Local Government Handbook
LHMA Labeling of Hazardous Materials Act
LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging
LIFO Last In / First Out
LMR Labor Management Relations
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LOAEL Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
LOC Library of Congress
LOEL Lowest Observed Effect Level
LP Local Primary
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LRO Labor Relations Officier
LTSD Long Term Services Division (DOH)
LUR Land Use Ratio
LWCF Land and Water Conservation Fund
LWOP Leave without Pay
LZ Landing Zone
MCF thousand cubic feet
MCFD thousand cubic feet per day
mg/L milligrams per liter
MGD Millions of Gallons per Day
MHC Midway Hose Company (aka Midway Fire Dept)
MI Medical Investigator
MMCFD million cubic feet per day
MOU Memorandum Of Understanding
mph miles per hour
MS manual section
MSA Management Situation Analysis
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area (see also CMSA, PMSA, SMSA)
MSCA Military Support to Civil Authorities
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MT Morphology Technician
MTD Motor Transportation Division
NAGPRA Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
NAHB National Association of Home Builders
NAHRO National Association of Housing & Redevelopment Officials
NARC National Association of Regional Councils
NAWAS National Warning System
NCP National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
NDA National Defense Area
NDMS National Disaster Medical System
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NFA National Fire Academy
NFIP National Flood Insurance Program
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NGO Nongovernmental Organization
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act
NHS National Highway System
NIA Notice of Intent to Abandon
NIABY Not in Anyone's Back Yard
NIIMS National Interagency Incident Mgmt. Systems
NIMBY Not in My Back Yard
NIMTOO Not in My Term of Office
NMANG NM Air Force National Guard
NMARNG NM Army National Guard
NMBMMR NM Bur. Of Minerals and Mines Resources
NMCDNM Corrections Department
NMCRIS New Mexico Cultural Resource Information System
NMDANM Department of Agriculture
NMDGF New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
NMED New Mexico Environment Department
NMIMT New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech)
NMLBNM Livestock Board
NMLETS New Mexico Law Enforcement Telecommunications System
NMNG NM National Guard
NMOGD New Mexico Oil and Gas Division
NMPM New Mexico Prime Meridian
NMSA NM Statutes, Annotated
NMSHTD NM State Highway & Transportation Department
NMSP NM State Police
NMSU New Mexico State University
NMT New Mexico Tech (NMIMT)
NMTSD New Mexico Traffic Safety Department
NMVOAD NM Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters
NMWQCC New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission
NO nitrogen oxide(s)
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOI Notice of Intent
NOS Notice of Staking
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NPS National Park Service
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission; National Response Center
NRCS National Radio Communication Service
NRCS Natural Resource Conservation Service
NRI Natural Resources Inventory
NRT National Response Team
NSO no surface occupancy
NTHP National Trust for Historic Preservation
NTL Notice to Lessees
NUREG Nuclear Regulation
NWC National Warning Center
NWS National Weather Service
OC Office of Communications
OCA Office of Cultural Affairs
OEM Office of Emergency Management
OGC Office of General Counsel (DOH)
OHV off-highway vehicle
OMI Office of the Medical Investigator
OMIEM Office of the Medical Investigator, Emergency Manager
ONRT Office of Natural Resource Trustee
OPA Oil Pollution Act
ORV off-road vehicle
OSE Office of State Engineer
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration/Act
PA Public Address
PAC primary activity centers
PAZ Protective Action Zone
PCS Personal Communication Services
PD Public Domain, Police Department
PDA Preliminary Damage Assessment, Personal Digital Assistant
PEL Permissible Exposure Limit
PHD Public Health Division (DOH)
PHS Public Health Services
PILT payment in-lieu of taxes
PIO Public Information Officer
PL Public Law, Private Line (tone squelch)
PLO Public Land Order
PM particulate matter of 10 microns or less
PMSA Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area
POC Points of Contact
POP Performance-Oriented Packaging
PPB Parts Per Billion
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPM parts per million
PRC Public Regulatory Commission
PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration
PVC polyvinyl chloride
PWS Public Water Supply
R&PP Recreation and Public Purpose
RACES Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
RADEF Radiological Defense
RAP Radiological Assistance Program
RCB Radio Communications Bureau
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
REACT Radio Emergency Associated Communications Teams
REP Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program
RETCO Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator
RFD reasonable foreseeable development
RFP Requests for Proposals
RFQ Requests for Qualifications
RFRA Religious Freedom Restoration Act
RIM&C Radiological Instrumentation Maintenance & Calibration
RLD Regulations & Licensing Department
RMP Resource Management Plan
RMPA Resource Management Plan Amendment
ROC Regional Operations Center
ROD Record of Decision
ROS Recreation Opportunity Spectrum
ROW Right of Way
RPP Radiological Protection Program
RQ Reportable Quantity
RV Recreational Vehicle
SAFD San Antonio Fire District
SAME Specific Area Message Encoder
SAR Search And Rescue
SARA Socorro Amateur Radio Association, Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA Title III)
SARDA State & Regional disaster Airlift
SAT Situation Analysis Team
SAVFD San Antonio Volunteer Fire Department
SBA Small Business Administration
SCC State Corporation Commission
SCEPA State Civil Emergency Preparedness Act
SCM Survivable Crisis Management
SCO State Coordinating Officer
SCPEA Standard City Planning Enabling Act
SDE State Department of Education
SEMA State Emergency Management Agency
SEO State Engineer‚s Office
SEOP State Emergency Operations Plan
SEPA State Environmental Protection (or Policy) Act
SEPC State Emergency Planning Committee
SEQA State Environmental Quality Act
SERC State Emergency Response Commission
SF Single Family
SFD Single-Family Dwelling
SFHA Special Flood Hazard Area
SHMO State Hazard Mitigation Officer
SHPO State Historic Preservation Office
SHS standard habitat site
SHTD State Highway & Transportation Dept.
SIC Standard Industrial Classification/Code
SIG Street Index Guide
SITREP Situation Report
SLAPP Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation
SLD Scientific Laboratory Division (DOH)
SLG State and Local Guide
SLTC standard lease terms and conditions
SMSA Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
SO Sheriff's Office, sulfur oxide
SO2 sulfur dioxide
SOG Standard Operating Guidance
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SP State Police
SPCA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPCC spill prevention, control, and countermeasure
SPO State Personnel Office
SPT Surface Transportation Program
SR State Route
SRCA State Records Center & Archives
SS special status, special status species
STATSGO State Soil Geographic (Database)
STPP Surface Transportation Policy Project
SUPO Surface Use Plan of Operation
SWP3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
SZEA Standard (State) Zoning Enabling Act
T&E threatened and endangered
TAGNM The Adjutant General of NM
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TESD Technical Emergency Support Division
TIN Triangulated Irregular Network (GIS term)
TL timing limitation
TPY Tons Per Year
TRD Taxation and Revenue Department
TRESCO Tri-County handicapped agency (Tres Condadas)
TRI Toxics Release Inventory
TRO Trip Reduction Ordinance
TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
TSP total suspended particulates
TWA Time Weighted Average
UBC Uniform Building Codes
UH University Hospital ñ UNM
UHF Ultra-High Frequency
UIC underground injection control
UL Underwriter's Laboratories
UNM University of New Mexico
USAR US Army Reserve
USDA US Department of Agriculture
USDI US Department of the Interior
USFS US Forest Service
USFWS US Fish and Wildlife Service
USGS US Geological Survey
USGS US Geological Survey
USPLS US Public Land Survey
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator Grid
VA Veterans Administration
VHF Very High Frequency
VMT vehicle miles traveled
VOAD Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster
VOC Volatile Organic Compound
VRM Visual Resource Management
WHPA Wellhead Protection Area
WIPP Waste Isolation Pilot Project
WMD Watershed Management Program
WQA New Mexico Water Quality Act
WQMP Water Quality Management Plan
WSA Wilderness Study Area
WSMR White Sands Missile Range
Emergency Planning Documents
Socorro County Citizens Corp Council
The mission of the Socorro County Citizen Corps Council is to harness the power of every individual through education, training, and volunteer service in order to make communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to threats to the security and welfare of the community.