Public Works
Socorro County Public Works services umbrella includes five departments: Facilities & Fleet Maintenance, Land Use, Road Department, Solid Waste and Vector Control. Each department has a department head with administrative services.
Facilities & Fleet Maintenance
The Facilities department is responsible for all County buildings, all county vehicles (excluding road department vehicles and equipment) and all County parks. The department is headed by Facilities Director Qualyn Crespin.
The facilities department is responsible for several aspects of the County including:
Building Maintenance
County Parks
Fleet Vehicle Maintenance
For questions, please contact Ashley Rosas.
To make a service work order request, please use the link to Facilty Dude below. If you do not have a system username, contact Qualyn Crespin at 575-835-0589 ext.1602.
If you do not have a system username, contact the Manager’s Office.
Maintenance Department Forms
Land Use Commission
The Socorro County Land Use Commission is comprised of board members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of Land Use Commission meets every third Wednesday of the month at 5:00 PM at the Socorro County Annex Building located at 198 Neel Avenue in Socorro.
The Board of Land Use Commissioners is peforms a quasi-judicial function answering the question: has the developer demonstrated that he has met his obligations to the public under the law in order to exercise his/her right to subdivide his/her private property?
The Commission must:
Determine if the subdivision conforms with County Subdivision Regulations- Socorro County Ordinance 97-006.
Determine if the sub-divider has demonstrated the ability to fulfill the proposals contained in the subdivision’s disclosure statement, plat, and/or any other required components of the subdivision plain.
Recommend approval, disapproval or conditional approval to the Socorro County Commission based on your analysis of the subdivision documents and the developer’s abilities.
To review the County's Subdivision Ordinance, please visit the Ordinance page and download Ordinance #1997.006.
Subdivision Exemption Application
If you feel you may qualify for a subdivision exemption when dividing property, please obtain an exemption application form on from the Manager's page.
Land Use Commissioners
Holm Bursum IV, Secretary: MEMBER TO A TERM UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2013
Nick Keller, Chair: MEMBER TO A TERM UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2013
Butch Hammack, Vice Chair: MEMBER TO A TERM UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2013
Barbara Spreen-Atwood: MEMBER TO A TERM UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2013
Comprehensive Plans
LUC Agendas
LUC Minutes
LUC Resolutions
New Mexico-El Paso Joint Land Use Study
Socorro County is part of the Southern New Mexico-El Paso Joint Land Use study implementation partnership. Information regarding the implementation of this study can be found on the SNMEP Joint Land Use website.
Road Department
Socorro County Road Department
2409 NM State Highway 1
PO Box I
Socorro, NM 87801
Office: 575-835-2041
Related Links:
The Socorro County Road Department is responsible for the maintenance of over 1400 miles of existing county roads, as well as construction of new roads within the county's borders.
The department office is open Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. Please keep in mind that we have a very small staff and you may need to leave a message. Road crews work Monday through Thursday, 6:30 AM to 5 PM.
The department is divided into two divisions: maintenance and projects.
Road Maintenance
The Road Maintenance division of the Public Works Department maintains over 1400 miles of roadways within the unincorporated 6000 square mile area of Socorro County; this includes over 120 miles of Forest Service Roads.
We need citizen and resident help to notify us of any problems or road conditions that may need repair. Please contact the Road Department at 575-835-2041 to report road damage and maintenance requests.
Not all public roads are maintained by Socorro County. Each Spring, the Board of County Commissioners approves which roads will be maintained by County crews. Socorro County has thousands of miles of public roads but only those approved by the Board are scheduled for maintenance. Each mile is then scheduled for maintenance only once per year. The list of maintained roads can be found on the Board of County Commissioner’s page under Resolutions; resolutions are approved in March of every calendar year. You may also contact the department to inquire about the status of your roadway.
If your road is on the maintained mileage report, you can request work orders by contacting the department at 575-835-2041. Emergencies only can be reported after hours by dialing 911; our crews will be dispatched accordingly.
Forest Service Roads Maintenance Schedule
County Policies Related to the Road Department
Board policies relevant to the Road Department are shown below. They include the following:
2010-59 Road Signage Maintenance Policy
2010-80 Procedures for acceptance of a Road for County Maintenance
2011-47 Road Standards (need for acceptance of a private road)
2012-41 Sign Implementation and Maintenance
2014-21 Placement of a Private Gate or Cattle guard across a County Road
2018-85 Speed Hump Policy
Report Missing or Damaged Street Signs
The Form to report missing or damaged street signs is coming to this space soon.
Road Activity Reports
Road Department Forms
Solid Waste
Socorro County solid waste has been taken over by Valley Sanitation.
Report abandoned property sites to:
Mark Mercer
575-835-2029 x1202
Illegal Dumping
Socorro County prosecutes illegal dumpers. For information on who to contact and help us stop illegal dumping, please review our brochure below.
Commercial Hauling Services
Vector Control
Related links:
Managed through our Solid Waste Office, Socorro County's Vector Control is a public service aimed at the control of disease carriers in Socorro County. This office's primary sole area of concern at this time is mosquito control. The mosquito population is responsible for spreading infectious diseases throughout the world, including West Nile Virus.
If you are aware of any mosquito breeding grounds in Socorro County, please contact the County Manager’s office immediately.
Zika Virus
Zika is the virus that causes Zika virus infection. The virus is mainly spread to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. Only certain kinds of mosquitoes are able to transmit the virus that can cause disease. About four out of five people infected with Zika virus will have no signs or symptoms of illness. The people who do become ill may have fever, rash, joint pain, or conjunctivitis (red eyes). Symptoms are usually mild and last from a few days to a week. It is rare for a person with Zika virus infection to become severely ill or be hospitalized.
Although more investigation is needed, there is evidence that Zika virus infection causes birth defects or miscarriage in some pregnant women who are exposed early in their pregnancies. There have also been reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome following Zika virus infection. Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare but serious disorder that affects nerves and can cause a number of complications including paralysis, respiratory distress, and rarely death.
Controlling Mosquitoes in Your Own Back Yard
The best mosquito control program reduces breeding areas, routine larviciding (killing the baby mosquitoes) in those breeding areas that cannot be eliminated, and adulticiding (killing adult mosquitoes) only when and where necessary.
Mosquitoes have four life stages – eggs, larvae, pupae, adults. Since three of the stages (eggs, larvae, pupae) are found in water, eliminating water sources that can breed mosquitoes eliminates the chances of mosquitoes biting, and thus disease transmission.
Tips for reducing water sources and breeding grounds include the following:
Pickup and haul away all trash piles, broken down appliances, junk cars, bottles and cans and any other household items in your yard
Avoid creating open water or standing water areas or containers around your house such as large puddles, open water tanks, open or damaged water pipes, tires, etc. that may pool water and lead to mosquito breeding
Fill all holes in your trees where water pools
Drill holes in the bottom of tire swings for drainage
Empty or change your pet's water dishes, bird baths, horse troughs at least once a week
Keep your gutters clear and clean
Avoid the accumulation of decaying material and garbage around your yard
Cover your water tanks
Support natural enemies of mosquitoes such as birds, frogs, lizards and even fish in your yard
Fix any low spots on your property that may hold water for a long time