Board of County Commissioners
The Board of County Commissioners sets policy for the governance of Socorro County, appoints the County Manager and is responsible for all fiscal management of Socorro County operations. Each Commissioner represents and is elected by district.
The Socorro County Board of Commissioners regularly meets at 5 PM on the second Tuesday of the month and at 5 PM on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
All constituents and organizations are welcome to address the Board during the public comment portion at the start of each meeting. For items that require Board action or for a longer discussion, requestors must complete an Agenda Request form, found on the Manager's Forms page. Following a review of the request, only the County Manager or a Commissioner may place an item on the agenda.
For copies of board meeting packets and minutes, please visit the Socorro County Sunshine Site.
All Commissioners can be contacted at the office of the Manager at 575.835.0589 or PO Box I, Socorro NM 87801.
All Board of County Commission Meetings are held at the Socorro County Annex Building at 198 Neel Avenue in Socorro.
District 1
Voting Precincts 3, 8
District 2
Voting Precincts 15,24,27
Commissioner Danny Monette
District 4
Voting Precincts 12,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,25
Commissioner Phillip Montoya
District 5
Voting Precincts 6,9,10,11,13,14,26
District Maps
Commission district and detailed precinct maps can be obtained from the Socorro County Clerk's office. Copy and reproduction fees will apply.
Currently maps reflect previous district numbering.
The boundaries are still correct, however the numbering changed as follows:
District 1 on the map is now District 2
District 2 on the map is now District 1
District 3 on the map is now District 4
District 4 on the map is now District 3
District 5 remains to be District 5
Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)
The entire Board of County Commissioners meeting packets, which include the agenda, can be found on the County's transparency site.
Regular meetings are the second and fourth Tuesday of each month and board packets are posted by the end of the business day, Friday before the meeting.
Board packets and agendas for special meetings are posted at least 72-hours prior to the special meeting.
Approved Board of County Commission Minutes from 2010 forward are located on Socorro County's transparency site.
2021 Resolutions
2020 Resolutions
2019 Resolutions
2018 Resolutions
2017 Resolutions
2016 Resolutions
2015 Resolutions
2014 Resolutions
2013 Resolutions
2012 Resolutions
2011 Resolutions
2010 Resolutions
2009 Resolutions
Resolution 2005-52 - Adopting the Code of the West
2024 Resolutions